Ewedu leaf is one of those green leafy vegetables rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Nigeria is blessed with various types of vegetables. Most of which is put to use one way or another, in particular, a great number of these vegetables is put to use as a source of food. Nigerian cuisine is based around serving a vegetable based soup/stew, with a carbohydrate rich accompaniment. Nigerian soups, and there are many of them, are named after the vegetables used to make them. One of the many vegetables used to make soups, particularly by the Yoruba people of Nigeria, is the Ewedu leaf. Ewedu leaf 0.5kg contains loads of iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, proteins, fibers, Vitamins A, C and E, riboflavin, niacin and folate. These are nutrients that help the body fight diseases and maintain good health.
The antioxidant trio of Vitamins A, C and E protects the body from degenerative diseases. The ACE vitamins also happen to be the most beautifying vitamins, increasing collagen production to keep the skin firm and young-looking. Ewedu also contains iron, sodium, calcium and phosphorus to name a few. Ewedu leaf is also known as jute mallow in English. Ewedu leaf is a vegetable used in one of the Yorubas’ cuisines. It is known for boosting immunity and nourishing the body. It is anti-inflammatory, regulates blood pressure and It contains a high amount of calcium which contributes to having stronger teeth and bones. It fights off colds, flu and reduces cholesterol. Buy Ewedu Leaf today at infinityfoodmart.com to get the best quantity, quality and priced fresh vegetable for your easy home cooking. We have other vegetables and condiments that will enrich your delicacies and bring out the Nigerian supreme taste. Join us today on Instagram for more on our products and promo.
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