White Garri 3kg is made to have finer grains, and a pleasantly sour taste, making it very suitable for consumption in different way. White Garri 3kg is a food you can eat in different ways. It is a refreshing mix when taken with cold water in the hot weather. To make it more appetizing, sugar or honey may be added as well as chunks of coconut, groundnuts, tigernuts or cashew nuts. Milk may also be added. Soaking garri is a very nice way of making instant cereal which most Nigerian do today. Drinking garri (called cassava flakes in English), eba, fufu (akpu), ijebu garri, and other cassava end products have been saving the life of an average Nigerian since the beginning of time. It is a household name and our staple food. Just as garri (cassava flakes) can be gotten from cassava, there are also other food products that can be processed from it such as Fufu (Akpu or Santana), it can as well be processed into Bobozee (commonly known as Abacha Mmiri) and chips for snacks.
White Garri can be used to make garri cake or swallow food popularly called eba in south-western Nigeria. In most recipes White Garri is made into Eba. Eba is a stiff dough made by soaking Garri in hot water and kneading it with a wooden baton until it becomes a smooth doughy staple. It is served as part of a meal with various soups and sauces. Some of these include okra soup, egusi soup, vegetable soup, afang soup, and bitter leaf soup. Buy White Garri and enjoy our particle free garri. Our White Garri has been carefully processed and packaged for your use. Buy White Garri 3kg at infinity foodmart and have it delivered to your doorstep. You can follow us on Instagram for more information.
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